Item #
Cricut Joy™ Metallic Markers, 1.0 mm (3 ct)
C$ 12.99
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Add personal notes or drawings to your projects, big or small, using your Cricut Joy machine. Any time you need an extra punch of pizzazz, these metallic markers add beautiful color, dazzle, and shine with bold, saturated strokes. Ideal for for party invitations, banners, cards, thank you notes, holiday decor, and more. For use with Cricut Joy.
- 3 medium point (1.0) markers in Gold, Silver, Blue
- Embellish your projects with personal notes or drawings
- Ideal for event invitations, decorations for birthday bashes, or adding a \"handwritten\" message to any project
- For Cricut Joy™
- Water-based, acid-free, nontoxic, permanent after dry; conforms to ASTM D-4236
- Cricut Joy
- Cricut Joy Xtra