Supporting our healthcare professionals
We see you, healthcare professionals! And we support you.
We want to create for healthcare professionals and help build support while they are out there working for us.
These are certainly unprecedented times. We recently posted about homemade face masks. These are by no means a substitute for PPE, but as healthcare providers exhaust their supplies, it is incredible to see the maker community pitching in and aiding the efforts. I see you, Sweet Red Poppy, Jennifer Maker, Cori George, Lorrie Nunemaker, Clarks Condensed. And for those I missed: Please shout if I missed you — I want to see your mask makes!
Emotional support, too
Though, it doesn’t stop there. We all need a little emotional support too. I know that little extra support to keep my sanity in check is a staple ingredient running through all the pages of my recipe book these days.
It’s been over two weeks of WFH loneliness, and my mildly extroverted self is screaming for social interaction, but I refuse to give in! I want to do my part! I’m digging deep to find my inner introvert and ways to subside my extrovert needs. I surf social media. I message friends on Facebook. I text en masse, and I text one-on-one. Then, I resorted to bringing back the dying art of phone calls.
One particular call was to my friend, Katie, who still actively went to work. What’s it like in the outside world? What’s it like bathing in the sun? What was it like being a soul in the unknown during what seems like a zombie apocalypse? Well, my chat with her was enlightening. Allow me to share it with you…
Katie is a nurse and just one of the many healthcare professionals working full force while many of us keep safe from the confines of our homes. So, in our chat… There were emotions. Everywhere. From everyone. Katie spoke with individuals that just needed someone to talk to on the phone. Katie listened to patients who were scared about the unknown. She calmed those that were breaking. She helped those that were aching. But then, she told me a story that brought on tears of her own.
Individuals around her workplace were collaboratively wearing white ribbons in support of healthcare professionals. As we kept talking on the phone, she continued elaborating on this incredibly touching gesture, but as her voice cracked a little and her vulnerability peered through even more… the Cricut in me interrupted her to blurt out, I want to make white ribbons too! I want to show my support too!
So, I crafted a few white ribbons with Maker for the staff at the University of Utah hospitals and clinics, one of the local healthcare systems in Cricut’s (physical) community. Then, I made a bunch of vinyl white ribbon stickers with Joy for the staff to freely hand out as they explain the necessity for the precautions that have been set into place. Don’t worry, I didn’t go to the hospital but rather tossed them to Lauren, whose husband is a doctor, from a safe distance. Don’t they look rather good on the crew and their things?
Here’s how I made them
Maker “ribbons” were made with scraps and materials around the house.
Supplies needed
Ribbon to support healthcare professionals
Use the deep knife blade for Maker to cut the ribbon design so it cuts through the rigid material. Then, hot glue the paper clip to the back of the “ribbon” so that you can hook it to your clothing. You can also use safety pins in place of paper clips, but I didn’t have any on hand. And you know, it’s scary outside. So, feel free to find substitutions with what’s available at home! Don’t have a deep knife blade? No worries – use a thinner material suitable for the blade you do have at home!
Well, that’s it! That’s all I did.
More appreciation projects
Still looking for ways to scratch that creative itch? Scroll through for a few more projects to show appreciation for our healthcare workforce.
Boxes and Baskets of Thank You Treats for fuel throughout the day; Thank You Notes because sometimes it’s just nice to hear it; Personalized Compression Socks to help those achy legs; Custom Bentos for the busy worker; or perhaps, a Kindness Note you can color with the kids to give together.
Got other ideas to share?
Post them in the comments! We can’t wait to see more ideas and projects that have come to life. So, please, show us! After all, we haven’t reached the end of March yet, and it’s still National Craft Month.
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