Introducing Editable Images in Design Space
With Editable Images in Design Space, personalizing for yourself or others in your life is easier than ever.
Starting today, we’re rolling Editable Images out to everyone to help make personalization even easier.
Sometimes there’s an image in Design Space that’s perfect, but there’s a name or number or greeting in there that you wish you could change to make it perfect for you. We get it – and now you’ve got it! Say hello to Editable Images. We’ve updated and added hundreds of images in Design Space and made them editable, so that you can personalize a different name, change the occasion, or switch up a sentiment.
Editable Images are designs with customization in mind. Add family names, change a word to fit your occasion, or even add an inside joke to make it truly one of a kind.
Once you’ve added an Editable Image to the canvas, you will see any editable text highlighted in blue. Once the text has been edited, the blue highlight will disappear. Apart from the text, you can also change almost anything in the image by using the layer panel. Move image elements, resize it, change the color, or almost anything else you dream up.
Finding Editable Images in Design Space
The easiest way to find Editable images is to click the Editable images icon on the left side of the Canvas or select the Editable Text filter in the Images section.
You can also find Editable Images right alongside other images in Design Space – just look for the Editable Image icon at the bottom of the tile, and the light blue highlighted text in the image itself. If you hover your cursor over the top of the Editable Image tile, you’ll also see a badge that shows you this image is editable.
Pricing for Editable Images
When browsing through the hundreds of Editable Images in the library, you may notice that different Editable Images have different prices. All Editable Images are included in Cricut Access subscriptions, starting from $0.
If you’re not a subscriber, individual Editable Images are still available to purchase with varying prices. Different designs have different prices because the price is dependent on the shapes, images, and fonts used in the design. Non-subscribers may still already own various fonts or images in their Design Space profile, so the price of an Editable Image may be reduced to prevent overcharging.

For example, if an Editable Image includes a premium font, the initial price will include the license for adding this font to your library. If your Design Space profile already includes that font, the price will be lower so that you are not charged for a font you already own. If you don’t own the premium font but you change it to one that you already own or a different premium font, your cost may change – you’ll see the updated price when you checkout before cutting your image.
What to edit in Editable Images
The quick answer is – just about everything!
If the Editable Image includes editable text, you will see a blue highlight on all text in the image that is editable. Don’t worry – this highlight will disappear when you edit the text. Just double-click on the text to enter edit mode – and then type your new text just like when you normally add text to your projects. If your text is too long to fit, feel free to resize the font to make it smaller.
Want the text to wrap? Go to the alignment menu and select “wrap on.” Want the text on one line? Go to the alignment menu and select “wrap off.”
Do you like a non-Access font instead of the one included? You can select the text and change the font to something already in your library. Want to change one of the shapes or other assets? Go ahead and update it. You can customize the parts of the image that appear in the layers panel – move them, resize them, change the color – basically any function that is available for the layer you are editing!
Cutting an Editable Image is just like cutting any other design – make sure things are grouped or attached the way you wish them to be, and then click “Make It.”
Using Editable Images on Android
Editable Images are available on Android in addition to the other platforms supported by Cricut Design Space, but there is one thing to note for use on Android devices:
- There are some text features that are not yet available on Android. If your Editable Image has these text features included, you will see a message letting you know. You can still edit the text and use the design in your projects – you just won’t see those features in the design when you make it.
Let’s make with Editable Images!
There are hundreds of Editable Images now (and more coming!) in the Design Space image library. From celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, and retirements, to themes like occupations, hobbies, and pets, there is a wide variety of Editable Images that you can start customizing with now. Check out Editable Images Design Space.